“Am I really on my path?” A question frequently asked during readings, and usually with a healthy dose of disbelief and skepticism.
Too often we judge our lives to be mundane and boring, not to mention frustrating. We may find it difficult to believe the life we are living is actually worth coming in for. It is true that the majority of us lead mundane lives, but that doesn’t mean there cannot be happiness and absolute feelings of worthiness.
The Spirit Guides that I have worked over the years with teach that life’s value lies in our attitude. Yes, our lives are precisely what we judge them to be. And I will personally say that it takes a lot of practice and hard work for someone like me to turn things around in order to bring happiness and acceptance into my life, but it can be done! And then it takes diligence to maintain the newly found awareness. Personally, I do this with a meditation practice. And yes, I still struggle in life, but a lot less than I used to.
Life can be tough at times. No one will argue that and it can be a grind, but it can also be quite fantastic and beautiful and full of love all at the same time. So that begs the question if it is our duty to find this love and enjoyment of life and make sure we keep that in front of us at all times?
As humans, we are supposed to be caught up in our lives. That is why we are born with emotions, and we do love our emotional roller coasters at times, don’t we? Keeps life from getting too boring at times. The same for our pieces of drama.
If you are reading this, chances are you are not living in an ashram or withdrawn from society. You are out in the world where the demands of daily life reach out and grab you, diverting your attention into all kinds of stuff and that’s okay. But when you begin to judge your life to be too harsh and of little value, something needs to change. There needs to be an attitude or awareness adjustment.
I have found through working with the Guides that it is easier and definitely better to accept the person that I am given to be and the path that I have been asked to follow. But if I am not happy or joyful, then I need to find a way to bring joy into my life. There is so much joy and happiness that is free in this world and right at our fingertips! But we have to be the ones who reach out and grab. We need to make the best of who we are because if we spend our time trying to be someone else, then we are wasting precious energy. Energy that could be used to simply accept the given self, but also sharpen the search for more happiness.
Just recently I looked at how many things I have in my life that I love. Children and family are the obvious answers for many of us, but I also saw that I have my readings, meditation, and golf. All of these I love. That means I need to keep my focus on them and if one of them changes or disappears, then it becomes my responsibility to find something to replace it with to find equal joy.
Sometimes when we stop to number how many things we have that we enjoy and love, it makes us realize how good our life truly is and then we need to keep it in front of us with daily or weekly reminders so that we don’t forget. Life has a way of reaching out and diverting our attention so quickly that we forget the values and joy that we already hold dear.
Some people might have that one big thing that they love and that is enough. The value of life is not found in numbers. It is found in awareness.
“Yes, you are on your path” is always the answer received from Spirit when someone asks this question in a reading. But the guides will typically go into greater depth and detail in explaining why it is their path and why they were born to walk it. They sometimes add in the conversation the fact that a human is not stronger than Spirit and has not the power to change or get off of the path that they were born to. But they can make it happier and more fulfilling! Attitude adjustment!
My guides have helped me in understanding that no matter how I judge my path, it is my path and it will be followed. They have helped me to understand why I am here on Earth at this time. Does this make my life easier? Sure, because I don’t judge it or me as harshly, but I still have to watch that the daily grind doesn’t reach out and trip me up, making me forget the spiritual aspects of my life.
Daily meditation sure helps me keep my eye on the ball so to speak, but I still get tripped up by life events on occasion and when that happens, I try not to judge myself too harshly yet again. Rather, I go back to what I have diligently worked to achieve and that is more peace in life through acceptance of my life’s path and the fact that I am in service to spirit.